Reinvention Or Revolution?! I call it Viva La' Alevolution~!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Well .... how should i put it

The Banana Speaks...

Well --- how should i put it.

its been mightly long since i entry this blog... hahaha its the holidays for me!

well to me this is my last holiday before my real life entry to the working world of singapore( sigh)

but hey i am still me .. through out this 1 month of doing nothing i have just relise that we are living in a place where we all have to please the people around us. please the people make them think your useful or something..
well i dont need to prove anyone anything..

yes this is a very childish way to say it ..

but that doesnt mean i am not responsible or reckless

in other people's eye i am not that good as they stand by their pt of view ..

no offence taken as it is not wrong to stand by their view..

but i am too is standing by my view .

for the past years i have been always worrying about how people look at me ...

this is how pressuring thing to be

you cant please everyone, in the end your just not you.

i am not a wise talker . but there ARE things that i said is correct . denie as much as u want but its true

i am not a very good sports person. but there are times i run over you time and time again. denie as much as u want but its true

i am not as a smart schooler like some . but i am going to be a diploma holder right?
denie as much as u want but its true

People would judge me .. so let it be .. i dont need judgement pass down on me.

i am not perfect and so do you!

i believe in fairness in this freaking world

there are things that you cannot do but i can ..

i mature in a different way .. thats all

Cheers to all fucker out there hahaha!

The banana have spoken!


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