Reinvention Or Revolution?! I call it Viva La' Alevolution~!

Friday, September 23, 2005

Well here goes....

The Banana Speaks

Well here goes.....

Well basically I am mentally unstable... Reasons ...

imagine an engineer keep saying your a ta zha (clean up job) everything he makes a comment on you

i.e " ah ya you ta zha one no need to learn such things"

maybe its a joke ... But all the time?

strike one

your supervior keeps changing the project idea that was given to you but yet no support was given to you. Simply does not show any sense of appreciation of what you do till date.

being an intern not treated like human?

strike two

being stuck in a cabinet to do programming which you have to learn from scrap by yourself and keep doing those house keeping job that results in non - wafer experience learned during the attachment.

shouldn't I be learning some wafer stuff?

strike three

well the end result is not bad .
I get to know how to use Microsoft access,
discovering a new mental problem call
"cabinetites syndrome - cramp in a cabinet with f**k up people causing violent behavior"
how to deal with stress under a smock
by screaming under that smock where no one can see your facial expression

well for the pass 24 weeks of internship I have seen a major change in me ....

well phyically and mental

I have become more fatter

I get angry easily, lazy to do stuff and emotional

wow this syndrome is the next big thing for me

basically is I am going crazy

first thing after my attachment is to go for anger management, gym and a vegan food bar

I really cannot imagine me working in a very hostile environment like this when I finish diploma
well my friends are right its lucky to be studying!

I have become an human attacking bear like what Tyler have describe me as!

well last time I am a honey loving bear .. Only attacks when there is not honey.

but now .... Well lets just bring the tranquilizer in shall we?

i simply cannot control my emotion these days ... damn it I am like a woman!

shit its making me look so gay and some more a very ugly gay!

these 24 weeks really gave me a very hard time ..... cant blame any one but me

all i am now is a broken teddy bear wanting to be hug..... a hug from princess

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The Banana Have Spoken......


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